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  • Writer's pictureCamille Calhoon

To coach, or not to coach...

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

Competing in pageants at any level is, no doubt, expensive. Getting prepared for your big weekend can carry a price tag of anywhere from $1,500 to $15,000+! Between the most obvious (and arguably the most pricey) expenses, which are buying a gown and paying the entry fee, there are hundreds of little expenses that quickly add up. Things like accessories, tanning, mandatory ticket sales, gift baskets, interview heels, and accessories for every outfit including that forgotten about arrival/registration outfit. Of all the costs that you will throw into this adventure one of the most crucial ones is also one of the most disputed. To pay for coaching or not.

A coaches' job is to basically eat, sleep, and breathe pageants. Their years of experience aids them in knowing exactly what it takes to be the most successful. After dropping dough on those hefty entry fees and glamorous headshots you would think the practical next step is to get training for the interview and stage. So what is stopping otherwise promising contestants like you from paying professionals to help them prep? One issue may be....

Stigma. Yup, you read that right. There is more than a bit of stigma behind the girl that pays for national-level coaching before entering her local or state competition. She may be looked at as a "Pageant Patsy", or crown chaser, by her peers. This couldn't be further from the truth. You wouldn't think your favorite competitive sports team is snobby for having a coach, would you? Or that the gymnast on the national gymnastics team thinks too high over herself for getting in extra hours with private instruction? Just like any other sport, you will need some kind of team or one on one help from the very people who have the most experience in pageantry. We HAVE to stop looking at pageant coach's clients as supercilious. All we are doing with that mindset is lowering our own potential. This brings me to another reason...

You don't feel you deserve it. If you are like 85% of contestants your budget is your law! You already negotiated a lower price on your used gown or waited for months for the trunk show sale, gathered an army of sponsors to provide HMU and other pre-prep services, and pounded the pavement to secure your final donation towards your entry fee. You are the reason competition is so stiff! The grit behind the glam is what makes success all that much sweeter and hard-fought. Girly, you ARE worth the extra $100-$250 hourly fee for consultation and walking instruction. Wherever you need to cut into your budget or find a way to raise more money and work overtime hours, you MUST consider coaching a necessity. Your coach will not only help prepare you for your big weekend on the outside, but they will also mentally help you build up your confidence and create a winner's mindset! But, maybe you aren't lacking in the self-worth department. Maybe your issue is more along the lines of...

You think you do not need coaching to win. I cannot tell you how many times I've witnessed the fresh-faced girl, who did her own HMU and wearing the Windsor or Macy's gown, gliding across that stage effortlessly and answering the on-stage question with genuine conviction while taking the coveted title. What made her stand out in the sea of beauties who were perfectly coiffed and expensively dressed? Of course, there are so many variables that go into choosing the winner, ones that even experienced coaches cannot always predict. But, above attire and styling, the judges will tend to vote for the girl who walks confidently and has that "I already won" appeal. If you could choose to be more or less prepared, which would you choose? The girl who comes in the most prepared won't always be the winner, but she WILL be the most prepared, period.

Still undecided about utilizing a coach? Just remember, miss USA and Miss Universe contestants are not too good for coaching. If you want to go further in the world of pageants, a successful coach can help you realize your dream!

Tell us what you think, we would love to hear from you!

PHOTO CRED Triston Southwick, Teen Silver State NV crowning ceremony

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